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Index of Constitution
Policy Jurisdiction
Governing Board
Executive Officers
Quorum at Annual and Special Meetings
Removals and Suspensions

The name of this organization shall be the NEWPORT 30 ONE DESIGN ASSOCIATION

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote enjoyment of the
Newport 30 yacht; to encourage boating safety, and enhanced seamanship
skills through cruising, class racing under uniform rules and regulations,
social and educational opportunities in the Association; and to maintain
the one design status of the Newport 30 yacht
- To cooperate with other yachting organizations and, in return, to
insist on the observance and compliance with the Constitution and
By-laws of the ASSOCIATION.
- To promote and maintain the one design characteristics of Newport
30 class yachts in which racing shall be to determine the skill of
the skipper and crew under uniform conditions and specifications.
- The Association has jurisdiction over all Newport 30 class activities.
Its Constitution, By-Laws and racing rules govern all Newport 30 class
races regardless of by whom they are held, and are binding upon all
members of the Association.
- Permission must be obtained from the Association prior to eliminating
or deviating from any requirement of this document in racing a Newport
30 class yacht.
- All disputes between members or between the Association and other
yachting organizations, regarding the interpretations of this document,
shall be resolved by the Governing Board of the Association, and their
decision shall be considered final.
- The Association shall not be liable for any debts contracted by
its officers or members other than expenditures as authorized by the
Commodore and Treasurer.
- The Association reserves the right to declare ineligible any yacht
which does not conform to the spirit as well as the letter of the
Constitution, By-Laws and racing rules.
- The governing board shall serve one (1) year, after the Annual Meeting
through the next Annual Meeting, and shall consist of all executive
officers and the immediate past Commodore.
- For the purpose of doing business a quorum shall consist of a majority
of the Executive Officers elected.
- The Governing Board has the authority to enforce its decisions by
suspension of individual members. The Board shall sanction or ban
races and suspend members guilty of gross violation of the rules or
unsportsman-like conduct. Its rulings shall be binding and final.
Majority vote of the Board shall decide all issues.
- The Governing Board shall conduct all business, determine policy
of the ASSOCIATION, and shall serve as the last court of appeal in
disputes involving this document.
- The Governing Board shall appoint a Fleet Captain to assist the
Board with their duties. The Fleet Captain shall represent the Board
at meetings of the One Design Classes Association of the Yacht Racing
Association of San Francisco Bay, shall provide whatever assistance
is necessary in procuring trophies, and shall represent the membership
to the Board by polling the membership. The overall aim of the Fleet
Captain is to promote participation in ASSOCIATION activities.
- The Governing Board shall appoint an Information Officer to assist
the Board with their duties. The Information Officer shall develop
and maintain a database of Newport 30 yachts and Association members,
and shall provide special reports as requested by the board. The Information
Officer's responsibilities include warehousing of Association documents
and historical records, distribution of newsletters and other general
mailings, maintenance of the Association web site, maintain the Association
bank account; and work with the Secretary/Treasurer to insure accuracy
of current membership and yacht rosters.
- The executive officers of the ASSOCIATION and their respective duties
shall be as follows:
- Commodore
The Commodore is the chief executive. He shall preside at
meetings, serve as chairman of the Board, rule on procedure and
jurisdiction, summarize decisions for publication, appoint any
special committees, authorize payment of bills with approval of
the Board and arrange for nominations for the next Annual Meeting.
- Vice-Commodore
The Vice-Commodore shall officiate in the absence of the Commodore.
He shall arrange for the Annual Meeting, Association cruises,
fleet social activities, and other duties as assigned by the Commodore.
- Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer's financial responsibilities include
maintaining an accurate and current record of the membership,
accounting for dues collection, expenses, making disbursements
at the direction of the Board, developing, P&L reports, an
Association budget, and an annual statement. Administrative responsibilities
include all Association correspondence, record the minutes of
meetings, coordinating reports from the other officers, and publishing
the Association newsletter. He shall notify the membership of
special events, cruises, decisions affecting policy, banned races,
suspended members, and ineligible Newport 30 yachts. He shall
also endeavor to arrange favorable publicity for the Association.
- Measurers
The Measurer must be an active racing member and shall be
the custodian of the Official Plans for the racing fleet. He shall
grant or reject all measurement certificates for the racing fleet
and issue duplicates. He shall interpret the rules and regulations
of the racing fleet concerning construction, sail plan, rigging
and equipment, and shall make rulings on matters not specifically
covered in the official Plans and/or specifications. Such rulings
shall be subject to Board approval. The Measurer shall not approve
changes in construction, plans, sail plans or rigging. The Measurer
shall enforce the correctness.
B. The Executive officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting
of the Association from the membership and shall serve for one year
from one Annual Meeting through the next Annual Meeting. Nominations
may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
- The Annual Meeting of the ASSOCIATION shall be held during the period
from the last Y.R.A. Season Championship race and the first week of
December, usually sometime in November.
- Special meetings, by order of the Governing Board or upon demand
of at least five (5) members, in writing, must be held. The time and
place of the meetings shall be fixed by the governing Board.
percent of the voting membership in good standing at the roll call constitutes
a quorum for the entirety of the meeting.
- Each skipper, or his designated representative, for each Newport
30 yacht enrolled which has been properly recorded with the ASSOCIATION
as an active member in good standing shall be entitled to cast one
- Members and their immediate family may be heard, but only one may
- A majority vote shall decide all questions not otherwise stipulated,
and the Presiding Officer shall cast the one deciding vote in the
case of a tie, and may also fix a time limit on speakers and on the
debate of motions.
- Any member may be expelled from the ASSOCIATION by a three-quarters
vote at any Annual Meeting.
- Any member may be suspended by a majority vote at any meeting of
- Any Officer of the Governing Board may be removed by a three-quarters
vote of the voting members. Provisions for replacing that Officer
must be made at the meeting in which he is removed.
- The Constitution may never be suspended, but may be amended at any
meeting by a majority vote.
- The By-Laws and racing rules of the Racing Fleet may never be suspended,
but may be amended at any meeting by a majority vote of racing fleet
- Proposed amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws and racing rules
should be submitted to the Governing Board by thirty (30) days before
any general meeting so as to allow sufficient time for notification
of the general membership prior to the meeting.
- The Governing Board shall have the authority to simplify, clarify
or correct the language of any Article or proposed amendment, if the
intent or purpose remains the same.
- Members who are delinquent
in ASSOCIATION dues shall be ineligible and disqualified from racing
until the dues are paid.
- When a member, in good
standing, ceases to be a Newport 30 Class yacht owner, his membership
status shall be changed to that of an "Associate Member" with
dues considered paid for an additional year.
- Membership Classification
 | Regular Member: A
sole owner of a properly certified and registered Newport 30 Class
yacht. He has the privileges of voting and holding office. |
 | Syndicate Member:
A part owner of a properly certified and registered Newport 30 Class
yacht. Only one vote is allowed per registered yacht. Syndicate
members shall be considered eligible to race, including the Association
Championship Regatta. Only two syndicate members from the same syndicate
may be on the Governing Board. |
 | Associate Member:
An "Associate Member" is anyone who has paid the "Associate
Membership" dues and is, therefore, entitled to all mailings
of the Association. |
 | Racing Fleet Member:
A "Regular Member" or a "Syndicate Member" whose
Newport 30 Class yacht has been measured for a particular racing
fleet. Racing Fleet members are the only members allowed to amend
the By-Laws of their Fleet. |
- To be eligible for the
Association Championship Regatta, the Newport 30 Class yacht skipper/helmsman
must be a bonafide member in good standing of a racing fleet of the
shall be fixed by the Governing Board and must be paid before any member
may be considered in good standing. Paying of dues, on or before the
required date shall be the sole responsibility of each individual member.
The Secretary shall collect ASSOCIATION dues and the checks should be
made out to the "Newport 30 Association".